Improve your chances of success

At Amira, we’re constantly evolving to make sure you get the best advice on how to quit smoking and stay quit. Next week we’re rolling out improvements to our website.
Have some fun, get some facts and divert a craving in the process.
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How your body heals
Within 20 minutes of smoking your body is working to heal itself.
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How addicted are you?
Test your level of addiction and create a plan that works for you.
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Calculate your savings
Quitting smoking really does lead to a richer life in so many ways.
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Learning tools
Explore your addiction level, see how smoking affects your body and how it heals, learn what smoking is costing you and test your knowledge.
Explore now
Support services
Amira Health delivers the support services you need to stop smoking. See what works for you: text, chat, phone, groups or all of the above.
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Member support
Come together to share your experiences, struggles and milestones. Learn from others who have been there and know what you are going through.
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“Never quit quitting, one day you will quit for the final time” Joanne